The inspiration for this concept arose from the recognition that both Indian and Japanese cultures share a deep reverence for nature and a profound understanding of the interconnectedness between humans and the natural world.

Shizen merges Indian art styles with the symbolic representations of the Godai. This concept originated in Japan and represents the five elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Void.

For our everyday lives, we need to have all five elements in balance. If we have an excess, it will become a negative element and would cause unbalance in physical form. For example, stability (earth) becomes stubbornness, flexibility (water) becomes indecisiveness, too much fire can turn into anger.

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With the power of Earth,

I build my foundation.

Keep me in balance


With the power of Water,

I eliminate what is not meant for me.

Keep my soul clean


With the power of fire,

I activate my body, my senses.

Keep my heart warm


With the power of wind,

I share my thoughts and feeling.

Let my soul connected


With the power of Air,

I empty my thoughts

Open to receive

- Azumi Uchitani

  • We invite individuals to contemplate the inherent interconnectedness of all things and find inspiration in the harmonious coexistence of these fundamental forces.

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